Say Goodbye Mouse, Hello Future

Say Goodbye Mouse, Hello Future

Say Goodbye Mouse, Hello FutureA San Francisco startup company, Leap Motion, has created a new little device that will change the way you control your computer. The Leap is a small 3D motion sensor that goes in front of your computer and creates a 3D interaction space of 8 cubic feet from which you can use your hands and fingers to direct your computer.

“It’s more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touchscreen,” the company says on its website. “For the first time, you can control a computer in three dimensions with your natural hand and finger movements.” Check out a video of the device in action below.



What’s also quite impressive is that the company plans to sell the device for only $US69.99 and will begin shipping the first wave of units around December/January. The “iPod sized” device, which was inspired by its founders’ frustrations with current 3D modeling technology, connects over USB and will be able to function with both Mac OS X and Windows 7 and 8.