Fresh Miami DSAN Set

La setci?n de ?ste mes va para el Colombiano radicado en Miami DSAN:

…Some of the venues where he has played include: Union Lounge Miami, NV Miami, B-Lounge Medellin, Studio 57 Miami, La Kasa Medellin, Pharmacy Medellin, El Deck Medellin, Pipeline Bogota, Alfa Orlando, Metropolis Miami, Red Bar Miami, Crobar Miami, Club Space Miami, Club Yage Miami, Nocturnal Miami, Space Terrace Miami, Pawnshop, Blue Miami, Klub Miami, Macondo Miami, SOHO South Carolina. Now he is resident dj of Nocturnal. His sets are known for the energy and the vibe on the dance floor. He is one of the founders of CDM Music which is a label that will be hitting the market soon! His technique and his taste for good music are keeping him playing in the hottest clubs in town.