Why did club culture not break in America as it did in Europe?

It gets worse as time goes on because you have a lot of guys that just don’t play good music. There’s two elements to keeping it alive: women, that’s the truth, without the women it doesn’t live, and the other element is people being open-minded. We just don’t have either one of those right now. We have a lot of music for a change. A lot of good music is out there, but the guys playing it are not talented enough to know what is good. So it’s a very difficult time right now. It’s another transitional stage where you’ll see the men separated from the boys. You’ll see a lot of guys disappear who you’ll never hear from again. Every two years, every three years that happens. Guys just fuck off. What happened to him? What happened to him? What happened to him? They just go. And it’s happening right now.

-Derrick May

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