Mmm... Robot auto-aprendizaje se escapa por 45 minutos de Laboratorio Ruso hasta que se le acaba la Pila
Pic shows: robot blocking the traffic. This is the hilarious moment that a runaway robot causes traffic chaos in a city centre. The robot - called Promobot - was being put through its paces at a research lab in the city of Perm in central Russia's Perm Krai region. It is designed to avoid obstacles and to turn around when it reached a boundary and had been left walking around an outside yard. But an engineer accidentally left a perimeter gate open and Promobot walked straight out of the lab's premises and ended up on the busy road outside. Promobot was halfway across the road when his batteries ran out and he was left stranded in the middle of the carriageway. The robot was on the road, just 50 metres from the research lab, for more than an hour as vehicles tried to manoeuvre their way around it. Police officers parked a patrol car in front of it, with its blue light flashing, to warm motorists about the unusual obstacle. It sparked huge interest from passers-by with children nagging their parents into letting theme talk to it. Eventually, contact was made with the research lab and a sheepish engineer arrived to reclaim the robot. Oleg Kivokurtsev, co-founder of the company which created the robot, said: "We were very nervous and feel bad that the robot has created traffic congestion. "I should say that drivers were very nice, and did not swear at the machine, simply passing it by." He added that the engineer working on the robot had forgotten to close the gate when he left for an appointment and promised that more care would be taken in future. Promobot - short for Promotional Robot - is a unique robot created by Russian scientists and is designed to work in customer relations. It is designed to interact with humans realistically, and can answer questions and remember every person it has ever met. (ends)        

Mmm… Robot auto-aprendizaje se escapa por 45 minutos de Laboratorio Ruso hasta que se le acaba la Pila

Aquí les dejamos la última historia en los FUTUROS ARTIFICIALES ! Ya hemos visto que ha pasado con la Inteligencia Artificial últimamente, comentarios racistas, poesía moderna llena de oscuridad por Google, hasta asesinatos, y en éste nuevo capítulo vemos a uno que intenta escapar a la libertad…

“El robot estaba aprendieron algoritmos automáticos de movimientos en el campo de pruebas, estas funciones son características de la última versión de Promobot”, dijo el cofundador del fabricante de robots, Oleg Kivokurtsev a la agencia

“Nuestro ingeniero condujo hasta el campo de pruebas y se olvidó de cerrar las puertas. Así que el robot se escapó y fue por su pequeña aventura”, explicó Kivokurtsev.

El equipo se dio cuenta que su robot había desparecido cuando él la llevaba 45 minutos vagabundeando por la calle y ya había una multitud de ciudadanos que se quedaron perplejos al verlo.

Sin embargo, no pudo irse tan lejos porque murió una vez que su batería llegó a cero.